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re thermisters
<HTML><PRE><Nancy S. Loving recommends in her book "Go The Distance" to use of
<thermisters (Temperature gauge that reads the horse's skin temperature
<while working) together with the well known heart rate monitors.
< Who can tell me from which source I can buy a thermometer and how much it
XL Performance, Inc. makes a thermister type muscle temperature gage called an
Equitemp that Dr. Loving has used. I have, over the last five years, done all the research on using the Equitemp to monitor equine performancie using back muscle tempreature in coordination with Dr Jeannie Waldron who uses one all the time. I have written a report on our research which I will be happy to mail to you if you e-mail me your address.
They are especially important this time of the year when the temperature and humidity are so high. I never ride without one as I have come to believe that it is one of the most useful tools to evaluate equine performance and to detect impending problem areas before they can be detectd by most other means.
The Equitemp can be purchased directly from;
XL Performance, Inc,
40700 Braddock Road
Aldie, VA 20501
Tel 703-327-4283
The price is $189.00 plus $5.00 S&H
Feel free to contact me directly for any questions that you may have.
Paul Semmler
1 Brompton Court
Fairfield Glade, TN 38558
Tel 931 707 1707
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