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Snake Bites/Stunguns/Mean Lady Riders
The following is from the US Food and Drug Agency regarding treatment of
snakebites. The full text can be found at
They do not recommend electric shock, either. Sorry. On the other
hand, if you don't like to carry a gun when you ride, you'd still be one
mean lady with that stun gun!!!
Linda Flemmer
For Goodness Snakes!
Treating and Preventing Venomous Bites
by John Henkel
How NOT to Treat a Snakebite
Though U.S. medical professionals may not agree on every aspect of what
to do for snakebite first aid, they are
nearly unanimous in their views of what not to do. Among their
No ice or any other type of cooling on the bite. Research has shown
this to be potentially harmful.
No tourniquets. This cuts blood flow completely and may result in
loss of the affected limb.
No electric shock. This method is under study and has yet to be
proven effective. It could harm the
No incisions in the wound. Such measures have not been proven
useful and may cause further injury.
Arizona physician David Hardy, M.D., says part of the problem when
someone is bitten is the element of
surprise. "People often aren't trained in what to do, and they are in a
panic situation." He adds that
preparation--which includes knowing in advance how to get to the nearest
hospital--could greatly reduce
anxiety and lead to more effective care.
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