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Re: Heart size
On Wed, 1 Jul 1998 09:35:35 -0700 "Kathy Myers" <kathy@nvolve.com>
>>I would like to be the person who got to sit on his back....MB
>Well Maryben, Magnum looks just like his great uncle
>Bold Ruler from the shoulders back. So if we sit you on
>Magnum we could take a picture from the back and no one
>would be the wiser. ;-) Besides, at 17 I'm sure Bold Ruler
>had a pretty good hay belly going. Maybe Angie can ask
>that vet...
Actually, there was probably a good reason nobody had been on Bold Ruler.
I remember reading that his back was so arthritic that they kept him
under a heat lamp for awhile before he could race. I don't think they
want ME plopping up there. Of course, as an endurance rider, I could
probably fix that with proper saddle fit!
>That's what I always say... "What do you mean fat? That
>there is a ROYAL hay belly!"
>:) :) :)- kat myers
>in San Mateo, Ca with Magnum the TB ex-racer... who can get
>that royal hay belly moving fast enough for a speeding ticket
>and Blue... aka Mr Maajistic: steely-eyed missle horse
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