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Re: Heart size
>I would like to be the person who got to sit on his back....MB
Well Maryben, Magnum looks just like his great uncle
Bold Ruler from the shoulders back. So if we sit you on
Magnum we could take a picture from the back and no one
would be the wiser. ;-) Besides, at 17 I'm sure Bold Ruler
had a pretty good hay belly going. Maybe Angie can ask
that vet...
That's what I always say... "What do you mean fat? That
there is a ROYAL hay belly!"
:) :) :)- kat myers
in San Mateo, Ca with Magnum the TB ex-racer... who can get
that royal hay belly moving fast enough for a speeding ticket
and Blue... aka Mr Maajistic: steely-eyed missle horse
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