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RE: Matthew Mackay-Smith weighs in on carbs
Thank you Matthew!!!
I've been listening to this debate for over a month??? I've been waiting for someone with the right letters after his/her name to bring this to everyone's attention. Fat is the key, we've seen this for years.
Lynn Golemon
From: Roberta Jo Lieberman
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 1998 12:07 PM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Cc: tivers@aol.com; fineprint@erols.com
Subject: Matthew Mackay-Smith weighs in on carbs
Dear Tom,
This is your Uncle Matthew speaking. Weıve been friends long and long, and I do not
seek any seam or cessation in that long friendship. I think youıre a wonderful thinker
who has contributed a great deal to the betterment of equine athletes everywhere. But I
must tell you: You are absolutely off the mark on this one.
The endurance horse has no more inimical nutrient than carbohydrate. It is his food of
last resort. Why? Carbohydrates activate all the inappropriate metabolic pathways and set
the horse up for so many disastrous consequences which are ruinous to
performance--colic, tying up, poor pulse recoveries, exhaustion, to name a few.
But the powers of the horse to compensate for our misconceptions and malfeasance are
enormous, thank God.
Weıve had to stumble along for years, trying to find the right combination of feeds for
the endurance horse--fine grass hay that is relatively high in soluble fiber and low in
calcium (we know that coarse grass hay wonıt do the job--you canıt run a horse on
wheat straw) plus a reasonably practical way to get more energy into the horse. Weıve
always had to lean on carbohydrates, and itıs always been a terrible crutch, a crutch with
a crack. Endurance horses run on triglycerides (fats), racehorses run on glycogen.
Fat is the endurance horseıs friend. Soluble fiber is the endurance horseıs friend. The
high fat and fiber feed (EnduroEvent--Ed.) recently developed by David Kronfeld,
BVSc, MVSc, PhD, and Kathleen Crandell, PhD, and now offered commercially by
Pennfields (and soon others, we hope) is the answer to the endurance riderıs prayer.
With warm regards,
P.S. Feel free to call me by ³landline.²
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