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Re: Tying-ugh!
We started out 20 yrs ago and the only thing we did was trailer
tie..then the pens et-all
and after 20 years --we are back to the trailer..
Since NATRC mandates trailer tie.. I thought my old ctr/end mare would
flip out after 18 yrs of assorted picket lines and pens..
NO problem took one ride and the bungie line..
Been doing this now for 3 yrs..
What we DO -DO different is take the horse for a walk trot about every
hour for about 10 min.. just down the road or around in the grass.. they
roll eat grass drink water from where ever and maybe vist-- around
camp.. I do this on the vet in day/night and the after day 1 ..we ride
open 2 days..
we ALSO take our horses out of the pens at the end rides and do a walk
about too..
These walk abouts keep them loose and we get very little filling..I
always try for a quick walk around and trot out just before the vet
trailer check.. they look for heat and filling.. have to vet on
something.. of course heat may mean a problem..so we DO soak legs --and
NATRC DOES allow the use of ICE and ICE water -- as long as you dont
'fix it; on the horse.. go figure -- can use ice to cool off the horse--
doing 5mph but cant shoe the way that would be better for the horse..no
slam here just a comment..
we are doing quite well with the Mustand shoe..and we do cool the legs
after day one and after the ride with ice water.. .
can live with the tie to trailer.. IF they are walked out ..
Roger R
will try the Monty Mitts Pen at Biltmore this weekend
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