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HELP - Girth Problem


I have a problem. Today I was willing to go for a conditioning with Orpheo my arabian gelding. I rode him yesterday for 3 hours and he was great but very spirited. I rode him with my new HRM (VMAX) connected as mentioned in the manual. I put electrode gel (the one delivered with the HRM).

So today at the time a was brushing him, I noticed that when I was approaching the part behing the shoulder (where the girth electrode come in place) he was refusing any contact. I looked closer and saw that he was sore (swelling) and theat the place was hot. The other side wasn't sore.

So what : I used the gel and (Maybe an error) the velcro wrap also furnished by Roger for holding the electrode in place. Should that be the problem or any reaction to the gel? Have someone got this problem?

Ah sorry I forgto to mention I'm using a Woolback girth and a OF cutback. The girth was regulary tighten, maybe too much...

To mention also : the previous week end I used the same girth, horse and saddle for a trail ride of 2 days (Approx 8 hours par day). No Problem. But I didn't use the HRM nor the gel, but these velcro wrap was still in place.

I didn't ride this sunday and put a gig amount of aloe gel. Any other suggestion for in first instance reduce the swelling and his pain.

And any suggestion about the cause of my problem.

Thank you... et vive '' ... hip hip hip... hourrah!

Leonard, from Belgium

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