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Re: 30 minutes of training
At 10:29 AM 3/12/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Hello Barbara,
>I'm not sure what research has been done in humans that you might be
>referring to. It is generally accepted that a completely sedentary
>person can improve their aerobic capacity with 20 -30 minutes of
>training 3-5 times per week. This results in a small improvement
>in level of fitness. Certainly no one training to compete would get
>enough training stimulus to do so to the best of their genetic
>ability on such minimal training.
I was taught (1963) to train 4 - 6 days a week at 6MPH all the time.
I DO take longer 'till I compete -- My eight year old (puchased as a five
year old) competed at his first ride last October -- WNC 3-day 100, placing
2nd in his division. His 2nd ride was Florida 3-day this January. He won
his division. He will continue this year at 3 day 100's moving up to more
intense work as the opportunity, his mind and body, and my pocketbook allow.
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