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AERC West Region Tradeshow Attendees- Thanks!
Pacific South International would like thank the following exhibitors
for supporting the AERC West Region Tradeshow. Many companies have
donated items to the raffle and we look forward to a terrific show,
See you there!
Dom Freemna
Tradeshow Chairman
Orthoflex Saddles and Tack
Bobbie Reagan,
P.O. Box 633
Foresthill CA 95631
(888) 363-0706
Donating: Tee shirts, Water bottles, Leather Conditioner
Booths 5,6
Pony Express Tack
Jan and Jim Jeffers
4980 Little Uvas Rd
Morgan Hill CA 95037
(408) 778 1252
Donation: Breast collar
Booth 7,8
Australian Connection
Janet Pucci
9274 Muir Way
Granite Bay CA 95746
(916) 791 1542
(916) 797 2136
Donation: Gift certificate
Booth 9,10
Boz Saddlery/Boz Obsession
John and Ann Bozanich
33024 Globe Dr.
Springville CA 93265
(209) 539-2179
Booth 11
Melinda Balint
7580 Acacia Lane
Vacaville CA 95688
(707) 449 3570
(707) 452 8394 FAX
Donation: Pair of Sneakers
Booth 43
SR Saddlery
Steve Ray Gonzalez,
65535 Cline Falls Rd.
Bend OR 97701
(541) 317 0135
Booth 42
Donna Snyder Smith
32628 Endeavour Way
Union City CA 94587
(510) 487 9001
Booth 41
Laney Humphrey-Filarel Press
8195 El CAmino Estrada
Carmel CA 93923
(408) 624 7759
Donation: two books, one horse masssage
Booth 41
Pat Fredrickson
Natural Horse HAlters
12455 Wilder Rd
Red Bluff CA 96080
Donation: halter
Booth 40
Kiwi Covers
Hal Hargrave, Sarah Christie
4355 La Panza Rd,
Creston CA 93432
(805) 237 9687
Donation: Flake and grain bag
Booth 35
ARBEE Ice Boots
Ron and Barabara Sanches
70320 Jolon Rd.
Bradley CA 93426
(805) 472 9228
(805) 472 2647
Donation: Ice boots
Booth 36
Scotts Corner Feed-Bar Ale Grain
Paul Klentos Erin Mc Chesney
2001 Rattlesnake Road
Newcastle CA 95658
(916) 663 9349
Booth 37
Cool Off
Nancy Twight
324 Old Adobe Rd
Watsonville CA 95076
Booth 39
Trails End/ Mountain Horse Ent.
Sharon Schmidt
4848 Rivendale Road
PLacerville CA 95667
(530) 644 1037
(530) 644 5107
Donation: Sidepull and reins
Booth 34
Miles for Teens
Lucinda Wilson Benson
Booth 31
California State Horsemans Assoc.
Pat Shappell
4925 Second St
Rockland CA 95677
(916) 381 3340
(916) 624 3809
Booth 39
Janeen Heath
1960 Mt Diablo Blvd
Walnut Creek CA 94596
(800) 248 TACK
Booth 26,27,28,29
Western States Trail Foundation
Corky Young
8001 Gorman Ranch Road
Foresthill CA 95631
Donation: Tevis merchandise
Booth 25
Redshield Equestrian
Dom Freeman and Frank Rothschild,
2070 Cabrillo Hwy
Pescadero CA 94060
(650) 879-9660
(650) 879 9666 (FAX)
Donation Halter/bridle, Hot/Cold Hock boot
Booth 1,2,3,
Equine Perfomance Products
Bob Walz
2051 Equestrian Way
Pilot Hill CA 95664
(916) 933 5538
Booth 4
Sharon Saare Saddles
Sharon Saare, Jim Frizzel
4424 West County Road
Berthoud CO 80513
(303) 678 5968
(303) 684 9378 (FAX)
Donation: Breast Collar, Saddle pad, certificates towards saddle purchase
Booth 24
Sundowner of California
Christine Daniel
1450 Hwy 49
Aubrun CA 95603
(530) 887 9502
Booth 22,23
USA Pacific South International
c/o Barbara Sanches
70320 Jolon Road
Bradley CA 93426
Raffle HQ and Donation Station
Booth 13
Jan Basson
11960 Heritage Oak Place
Suite 9
Auburn CA 95603
(530) 823 2260
Booth 12
Hought Endurance Tack
Eric and Gail Hought
2680 Susan Rd
McKinleyville CA 95519
(707) 839 1164
(707) 839 1871
Donation: Training log and tote bag
Booth 14
Plush Seat Bottoms
Carolyn Day
575 Fifth St West
Sonoma CA 95476
(707) 938 5939
(707) 938 5935
Booth 15,16,17,18,19,20
J Bar D
2618 Hwy 20
Marysville CA 95901
Booth 30
Rita Schlim
2331 Jackson St
Fremont CA 94539
Registration Table
Terry Hecker
11472 Oak Creek Dr.
Lakeside CA 92040
Booth 38
Nutrena Feeds
Bob Jensen
PO Box 369
Stockton CA 95201
(800) 894 4393 ext 184
Booth 12 A
Karen Godfrey
Booth 32
Saddle Solutions
George Fairlee
3228 Hendricks Road,
Lakeport CA 95453
Booth 33
Kathy Johnson Thiele
XP and Pony Express Rides
Booth 21
Dominique Freeman | "Life is short, science is long" |
fadjurs@sadandy.hpl.hp.com | |
Hewlett Packard Laboratories, | |
Palo Alto, CA USA | |
Phone: (415) 857-8596 | |
FAX: (415) 857-2862 | |
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