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Re: Other Sport Horse Organization Membership Fee Structures

> Seems like we are getting a real bargain with our present rates. Do you
> really want to go before the BoD and ask for the increase??

I personally do want to ask the BOD to revamp our membership fee
structure, because it is inequitable at this time, and very unattractive
to singles (whether truly single, or a sole family member interested in
endurance).  It's only a real bargain if you are married and your spouse
joins too, and if you believe that AERC is already doing everything it
needs to do as an organization.

We are not asking for an "increase" -- we are asking for a new membership
structure which will increase membership options for both adults and
juniors, while eliminating the "marriage benefit" whereby only married
individuals who both join the AERC can benefit from the discount of having
a single copy of EN and other mailings.  I hope that some singles who have
not renewed in recent years because of the high price will be encouraged
to renew as part of a new group membership, and that potential new members
will be brought into the fold.

The AERC BOD has told us many times that the AERC needs more money.  I
know this to be true, if for no other reason than to be more active in
activities such as trail preservation.  If we can increase membership and
increase income at the same time, I think it needs to be done.

Glenda & Lakota
Mobile, AL
AERC # M18819 & H27310
SE Region

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