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Re: Other Sport Horse Organization Membership Fee Structures


Your information on the membership structure of the other organizations was
very interesting to say the least.

Using your information it seems that the AERC membership for a family
consisting of two adults and two juniors is a real bargain or the AERC
membership is very under priced.

This combo (a family of four) is $95 in the AERC, $225 in the USCTA, $130 in
the USDF and approximately $210 in the AHSA ( I do not know the exact
discipline fee so used an average)

Sure looks like we need to up the fees by at least 20% to be on a par! And
think what the Canadians would have to pay then!!!

Seems like we are getting a real bargain with our present rates. Do you
really want to go before the BoD and ask for the increase??

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas, Barb <>
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Date: Wednesday, December 30, 1998 10:58 AM
Subject: Other Sport Horse Organization Membership Fee Structures

>I'm another member of the team of people who would like AERC to review the
>membership structure and how the fees are used.  I also took a look at how
>other sport horse organizations fees were set up.  Since endurance is a
>growing sport that competes both nationally and internationally as these
>other groups do, I feel that it's fair to take a look at sports of the same
>caliber as we are.  I looked at U.S. Combined Training Association, U.S.
>Dressage Federation and AHSA annual membership fees.  Here's what I found:
>Full member $75
>Family member - $50 each person*
>Junior member - $50
>Canada, add $22; Mexico, add $95; others, add $80 to the above fees.
>*Family member:  Up to 4 persons with the same address but must also
>at least one full or life member to qualify. (I think life fee was $1000.)
>USCTA was the only group that had foreign rates posted.
>one year participating member - $40
>junior - $25
>horse for life - $50
>change of horse's ownership or name - $10
>Senior member - $40
>PLUS:  for senior members, $45 to participate in all disciplines or fees
>from $10 to $35 for individual disciplines.
>Junior member - $35 (can participate in all disciplines)
>As you can see, only one of these groups offers a family rate, all offer
>junior rates.  I didn't see any restrictions on the junior rates and they
>didn't have to be part of a family membership to get the discount.  Of the
>one group who offered a family rate, there had to be at least one full rate
>included, a single address, and the difference between the full and family
>rate was $25 each compared to AERC's difference of $65!  I know that
>the price reasonable for our Canadian neighbors is important, too and maybe
>the way USCTA did it should be considered.
>Here's some legwork done for comparison purposes and maybe some
>restructuring ideas, too.
>Barb Thomas

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