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FW: Getting to the people with the power

I think Anita wraps this up pretty well.  Plus I agree I would like to see the LD non-member fee be $5 instead of $10.   That seems more equitable.

I think the issue is pretty cut and dry and less commplicated that it seems to be when it gets to an emotional level.  Anyone play golf?  If you are a club member you pay one rate for green fees for the year no matter how often you play,and if you're not you pay green fees each time you play.

I know of no club that lets non-members participate in events for no additional fee.  The sanctioning and rider fees are paid by all across the board, so that additional fee would be the non-member fee per ride.

Bernita Barfield
Southwind Arabians
SierraVista, AZ

From: 	Anita Burson[]
Sent: 	Tuesday, December 01, 1998 1:20 PM
To: 	Joe Long
Subject: 	Re: Getting to the people with the power

I'm sorry, but I see absolutely no reason why 50's and l00's must pay
non-member fees and 25's should not!  I totally understand that this is
an "entry level" event and we definitely don't want to lose these
folks--so let them ride a couple without paying the extra fee; then ask
them to join AERC.  If the fee were $5 (which I think is much more
appropriate for the 25 mile entry) then they have the choice: either
join AERC or pay the non-member each time.  For someone riding a lot, it
might be more beneficial or just plain easy to support the sport whose
benefits they enjoy, or, if they only do a couple of rides a year, then
they can pay the non-member each time.  After all, if you only do a
couple of rides each year, that's only $l0 (a year!).

This is almost a penalty against the 50s and l00s to require them to pay
the non-member and not the 25s.  There are plenty of 50s who ride only a
few rides a year and must pay the fee.  And I know plenty of 25s who
ride every ride that comes around, picks up the prizes and goes home.
Yep, they paid the entry, but so did the rest of us; in addition, we
also either joined AERC or paid the fee.

Something just isn't right here, folks. . . .


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