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Re: FW: Getting to the people with the power

On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, Bernita & Jerry Barfield wrote:

> I know of no club that lets non-members participate in events for no
> additional fee.  The sanctioning and rider fees are paid by all across

Do UMCRA, SERA, ECTRA, PNER charge non-member fees?  I know OCDR and SDDR
do not?

I have never been to a "schooling show" that charged me nom-member
fees...I know 4-H doesn' least they have never charged me a
non-member fee.

And even the USDF "waived" their non-member fee to encourage new people to
attend the USDF Breeders Championship Series (and this included tracking,
eligibility for the championship, etc.)

Whether or not I have to pay non-member fees (and how much they are) is a
significant factor in deciding which competitions I choose to participate
in.  Generally speaking, if I am serious about the competition, I join the
club and have them track the performance, etc....if I am not all that
serious... or just investigating, I skip those that have non-member fees.

I didn't go to the SFVHA show.

I am a member of the OPA riding assn, because they maintain the trails
that I frequently ride on.

Orange County, Calif.

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