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> > >>Are you willing to pay a higher rider 
> > >fee to AERC so non members can ride for the same price you do?
> > 
> > So, why do you want others to pay more so that you don't have to pay
> > as much?  Do you *really* think that's right?
> I don't believe we're asking others to pay "more" but rather "an equitable
> participation." Isn't that the principle behind a non-member fee?  Let's

I think that since I have been paying dues since 1991, and there has only
been one year that I placed regionally, that it is equitable.  
I dont' think it's apples to oranges.  I pay my money every year.  Yes,
they track my mileage, but so do I, big deal.  I could keep track of that
whether I was a member or not.  I could sure as heck go buy myself a
cooler, a blanket, a halter, a saddle even for less money than I have
spent just going to the rides I have been going to!!  I go to the rides to
meet friends, to have fun, to ride trails.  I don't go so my mileage will
be tracked.  I pay my dues so that I will have a say in matters such as
these.  I pay my dues so I will get EN, I pay my dues, well, because I
want to pay my dues.  

I went to 12 rides that I attmepted to ride in, I more than made up for my
membership that way.  At least I feel I did. Even the year I only went to
4 LD rides to ride, I was happy with paying my fee.  

From a management point of view, and I have been at that a lot these past
two years, helping with paperwork, I have seen very little grumble about
the non-membership fee.  Last year, I worked 18 rides, and this year, I
worked many of the rides that I actually rode in plus 7 more, a grand
total of 19 rides that I attended in some form or fashion, this year
alone!!....I heard no-one complain.  Except those that were members and
had not gotten their new sticker yet.  The new riders didn't know what to
expect as far as ride entry.  They showed up and payed what they were told
to pay.  it was simple.  the ones that griped were the ones that are old
hands at this. Not to say they didn't have reason to complain maybe, but
they were the ones complaining. 

The first ride I ever went too, I had no idea what it would cost.  I was
hoping it wasn't going to be real expensive.  I think I paid 25.00 to
enter the 25 miler.  WHen I brought a friend into this sport, the first
thing she asked me was how much did it cost and I told her...she said, "is
that all?"  she had been doing eventing.  
I spoke with a girl who went to a NATRC ride in early Nov and she paid
close to 100.00 in entry fees!!  Just to do the two day 50 or whatever
distance it was.  I know it wasn't a 2 day 100!  
I guess it's all relative huh?  

samm--sorry to ramble

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