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Re: big trot

>Just a mention - Provo's "big trot" is actually *slower* in 
>tempo than his working trot and, I would say, he flicks
>his legs out forwards more (a la daisy cutter?) in the big
>trot. It seems that it *ought* to be more energy efficient
>(it's definitely smoother), but he just can't keep it up for 
>more than a few paces, so it doesn't seem to be for him 
>(at least not in his present condition).

No, this is slow in tempo but fast in speed in that he covers a lot of
ground while "airborne"--ie, the suspension phase is very long.  I worry
that the windpuffs are due to concussion on landing after flight!  Either
that, or due to the strain of springing in the air.

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