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RE: big trot


My horse Spanky has a huge trot as well.  Luckily for me, he has a nice slow trot and a working trot as well, but I do worry about the effects of his "freight train trot".  He is half paso Fino - Half Arab so he has very high knee action.  I am worried about the wear and tear on his legs from the incredibly fast pounding.  So far I have not had problems with wind puffs.  He fills up mildly after a 50 mile ride.  He is only 6 1/2 and has only done three or four rides so far, but like you said - there's not much you can do other than worry about it!

Whenever I get too wrapped around the axle about Spanky's real or imagined health issues I have to remind  myself  no to pay interest on trouble I haven't borrowed yet!

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