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RE: Bioscan, etc

Hi Sally,
Thanks everyone for your posts about bioscan and chiro and massage.  I
watched several horses being treating with a bioscan today.  The whole thing
was very interesting, several of the folks have their horses done regularly
and seem to think it helps quite a bit.  All those people also have massage
done on their horses on a regular basis (but not at the same time as the
bioscan) so there may be an overlap of good results from both treatments.
BTW, the horses being worked on were barrel racing horses and roping horses,
all of who are worked hard and often.  I was able to ask the bioscan lady :)
questions the entire time since I was standing beside her and the horses she
was working on.  I would like to see some scientific and statistical info on
bioscan tho....just cuz I like that kind of info  :)  Hey Sue Garlinghouse,
get to work on it for me OK?!?!?!?  :)_

Marilyn in San Angelo

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