At 01:09 AM 9/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I am a heavy weight rider, and I also disagree with Carls proposal to change
>all the rules. We would complicate the system to an unbearable point, ride
>managers would quit putting on rides because of all the paper work, the AERC
>office would have to hire more help to keep track of it, and it would cost
>all of us more money. We are an amature sport without any real cash prizes.
>We have a sport that isn't worn thin with rules to support rules, our sport
>is still fun!!!!! Lets keep it that way. Let the ones that want more rules go
>ride FEI, and leave our sport alone.........
> Ken Cook
Jessica Tuteur
J-M Ranch & HorseBums
1393 Green Valley Rd.
Napa, CA 94558
(707) 258-1937 tel & fax