O.K. lets leave the rules alone but go back to the one full point per
pound as in the old days. You know for darn sure how much \harder your
horse works carrying your weight. Let em win first place but give my
horse the real credit due. Jerry Fruth >>
Yes my horse works harder, I agree on that. But I am not sure that the 1
point per pound is fair either. Because I could be fifty pounds heavier than
you and fifty minutes behind and that would make us even, but is it fair for
a feather weight to give up this much of a handicap? I dont believe my weight
makes that much of a time difference (and my horse is 14-2, 800lbs) I feel
that the 1/2 point is in most cases a fair balance in the weight factor. I
dont believe that most of us heavy weights, and generally thats us guys, need
that big of a handicap from a bunch of smaller women. Lets have some ego
guys, and not take advantage of the weaker sex!!!!!!!!!