Here are 2 posts that appeared on the trailriding list.
She is holding up reasonalby well, but needs thoughts and prayers. E-mail
is OK if you care to send. I wouldn't expect an immediate response,
plus she indicated her server has been down for the last 2 days. At this
point, she does plan to return to work Monday. Lucie and Rick were
married 13 years, and he celebrated his 50th birthday in July. Rick has
some grown children by previous marriage, and a 4 month old grandson, with
whom Lucie said he got to spend some time recently.
Anyone caring to make a memorial donation, please do so to:
Richard J Sommers Memorial Fund
C/O Boone County National Bank
Box 678
Columbia, Mo 65205
funds will go toward some area of substance abuse, a field in which Rick
J.R. Kendall
Well friends, I want to tell you what a trooper Lucie was during the
past few days. The visitation for Rick was the largest I have ever
seen. Les and I waited 45 minutes in a long line to greet the family,
and others who were there earlier or later than us said the folks just
kept coming. Through all that Lucie greeted everyone warmly and was
determined to cheer up everyone else.
The funeral was beautiful, in an old church high on a hilltop, with a
priest who knew and appreciated Rick, and a congregation that sang all
the hymns with feeling, led by a gentleman that had a wonderful deep
voice. I know it must have been hard for Lucie to receive the flag
from the military folks, but once again she was a real trooper.
After the funeral the ladies of St. Stanislaus had a home cooked
dinner waiting for us in the school gym. In the midst of the large
crowd, Lucie was graciously making sure everyone was taken care of.
I've always known Lucie was a special person, and she proved it again
this week.
Betsy O'Shea and Afterglow
Paola, Kansas