For years I gave EVERY shot in the book.. and all the new ones that came
I also gave fllu shots about every 60 days.
Reason the vets I dealt with then and what I read said IF we kept the
'teiter'' sp ?
up they would be protected from all the stuff..
Every winter I had a barn full of very sick horses. The workers.. those that
went to rides were worse.. and they had the most shots.
What I learned.. the shots caused the problems..the immunie system was trash.
It did not know how to manage the diseases..
Now I only give Tetnesus.. Rabies.. and i did give in this year to give the
EEE WEE VEE.. and PHF I had a weak monent..
I thought I would only give the 'killer' shots.. I live in the wilderness
forest..lots of critters with rabies..
NEXT year I will give ONLY TET and Rabies..
Since I am working on learing the alternative medicins.. I
know what this stuff -shots--does to the immune system. The body cannot heal
its self.
If I am am supporting hemopathic remidies and natural solutions to disease
like 'nosodes' --I must then trust what I am saying WILL work.. talk the
talk ..then walk the walk..right.
The alternative to shots is 'nosodes'.. have not tried this yet.. need a very
knowledgeable vet here.. and you must stick with the program..
I am sure Kim will handle this one..I have not used these yet.
So I too am getting off the shot program.. its been tough and you get the
scare flack from those who think I am wrong..
BUT NONE of my horses have been sick with anything for 3 years..
Guess I am doing something right
ROger R