ridecamp@endurance.net: Vaccinations


Charlene Bartholomae (charle@tpc.tulane.edu)
Mon, 12 May 1997 07:51:27 -0400

Hi -
Just wanted to add. . . some years ago, an old racetrack guy
showed me
another method of sticking antsy horses. I hold the needle dartlike in rt hand
(I am rt handed) and w/fingernails (yes nails) of left hand, I poke, poke, poke
in the area to be darted, all the while talking to them, till they relax,
etc. I also do as someone
else suggested, and ALWAYS use a thinner gauge needle unless I am giving
penicillin. Then about the 4th or 5th poke, the needle goes in instead of the
fingernails, and they never seem to notice. On several antsy guys, this has
actually improved the shot giving process.
Charlene B.

>>I agree with all Linda wrote, just wanted to add that when you do inject
>>the real needle, do it quickly and firmly.
>It also helps to rub the area prior to starting the process to get his to
>relax his muscles. A shot goes in much better in a relaxed muscle than an
>tight muscle.
>Truman Prevatt
>Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
>Danson "Deamon in Training" Flame
>Sarasota, FL
` | \____\\
_( ) \ Charlene Bartholomae
\-\~~~_|\ \ Department of Pathology
` \ ` \ ` Tulane Regional Primate Research Center
18703 Three Rivers Road.
` ` Covington, Louisiana 70433
e-mail: charle@tpc.tulane.edu

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