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Subject: Kiwanis Kaper - FORWARD
Author: karen@chaton.gardnerville.nv.us (Karen Chaton) at email
Date: 05/11/96 13:09
This is a message forwarded to me by Dorothy Beebe. I am posting it to the
endurance list for her. *******
><---- Begin Forwarded Message ---->
>From: Dorothy Beebe<daadmin@psln.com>
>Subject: Kiwanis Kaper
>To: ridecamp-request@endurance.net
>I had the privilige of being able to work the Kiwanis Caper
>this last Saturday, the 12th, in Gardnerville. What a
>terrific ride! Everyone who signed up received a bucket
>with electrolytes, commemorative cup, a deck of cards, a
>calendar and I forget what else! It was great!
>I worked with the head vet, Alan White, during the ride.
>The vet-in went smoothly with no one being pulled before the
>start--at least I don't remember pulling anyone then.
>Friday night, the Kiwanis provided hamburgers and hotdogs
>for all the riders and volunteers! It was great to have the
>food there, rather than trying to remember to bring stuff
>Saturday morning everyone started out at 7:00. The 50's
>headed East and the 25's headed north. We left and went to
>the trot by at Sheep's Camp where we watched the three front
>runners come in. (Karen Chaton (Gardnerville) was with the
>front runners--you could see her grin from miles away!!)
>The first Vet Check was also at Sheep's Camp after they had
>trotted by and went out and completed another few miles.
>Karen was still with the front runners with Weaver doing
>great on the Vet score.
>Then we were back in camp for the finish of the 25's and the
>last vet check for the 50's. By this time there were four
>front runners--still including Karen. I noticed that when
>their holds were up, three of them took off in a hurry, not
>waiting for Karen who was right behind them. The three
>headed away in a cloud of dust, going north. Then, not even
>a minute behind them, Karen followed out. But as she got to
>the end of a fenced field, she stopped, appeared to be
>consulting her map,
>and headed East. We were yelling at her that she was going
>the wrong way, but she couldn't hear us and continued on. I
>found out later that she stopped several volunteers and told
>them that the three in front of her had headed the wrong
>direction. A motorcylce was sent out and those three came
>back to camp and went the correct direction--only going
>approximately 4 miles extra (round trip).
>Unfortunately, as they came back to camp, the were screaming
>(literally) for ride management! Initially we thought they
>were screaming for medical help, then realized they were
>just angry.
>When the ride finished, Karen came in first on Weaver (who
>still looked like he could keep going). He later proved
>what a terrific horse he is by also getting BC!
>However, during the BC vetting, one of the ladies who had
>gone the wrong way, brought her horse over for his BC
>opportunity. Although she had gone the wrong direction, she
>still finished top ten.
>This lady was rude and incredibly arrogant. Her response to
>going the wrong way was unacceptable. She told us that a
>Kiwanis volunteer had sent her in the wrong direction;
>however, he also sent Karen in the wrong direction. She
>also complained about Karen's then turning and going the
>right direction, since she had marked the trial--but Karen
>didn't mark that portion of the trial. What Karen did was
>look at her map, because at the ride meeting the night
>before, they were told that they would head East for that
>final loop.
>This lady apparently went to Sharon (the ride manager) and
>immediately started screaming at her, threatening AERC
>appeal and legal action. She also was very rude to other
>ride volunteers and staff.
>I'm writing about her inappropriate behaviour because I want
>to bring this to everyone's attention. I have yet to be
>able to ride in a ride (except drag) as my mare still has a
>foal by her side. But I hope that when I do, and when I
>eventually make a wrong turn going miles out of my way, that
>if I behave even remotely like this woman, someone will come
>and slap me. There is no excuse for this type of behaviour.
> What it boils down to is accepting responsibility for your
>own actions. Sure, someone told her to go that way, but she
>had a map. No one told her not to look at the map!
>If all rides start having inconsiderate riders like this at
>rides, then no one is going to be willing to even consider
>putting on a ride. With all the work that goes into it, who
>needs to put up with a spoiled, childish rider!
>Please keep in mind that going the right direction is
>ultimately our responsibility. If everyone will accept that
>responsiblity, then all rides will go smoothly, even if you
>go the wrong way!
>Dorothy & Elly & Andy
>Taylorsville, CA
><---- End Forwarded Message ---->
>Dorothy & Elly & Andy
>Taylorsville, CA
><---- End Forwarded Message ---->
>Dorothy & Elly & Andy
>Taylorsville, CA