Re: treeless saddles

Tommy Crockett (
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 13:00:57 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 7 Nov 1996, Sullys Maze wrote:

> Boy, I don't know if I dare bring this up, but noted that some people don't
> like the idea of a saddle with no panels to distribute weight. Just a
> thought...I have tried so many conventional saddles whose panels, no matter
> how well fitted, dug, in some way, into shoulders or loins and inhibited
> movement. Sometimes I think panels, though distribute weight, have their
> own problems. For years Indians rode bareback with little to protect their

As this group as well as the entire equestrian endevour in the US on the
whole tends to reflect the feminine riders I wonder just how many SS
advocates are above middleweight?

Personally I love my diPetra and haven't any gripes. Some people have
noted it isn't the world's finest conmstruction, but noting about it
hjurst my horse and it was built for his back.

I have known 3 heavyweights who had back problems with Sports Saddles
(with the horse.) That is that they reported the same. I don't think I've
ever heard a feather through middle complain about back problems with
their horses after.

This is all hearsay so take it as such. One may want to investigate all
the possiblies as concerning their own weight. Or a word to the wise is
most often sufficent.

*******Just my two cents all standard disclaimers apply*******
****not the only opinion on earth just mine that's all****

Tommy Crockett <>
Los Osos, California 93402-2715
"it won't matter what you're saying when
the damage has all been done"
Mary Chapin Carpenter