I'm a bona fide poster - maybe it's from years of hunters and dressage - or
maybe not - but I am very comfortable posting. I do stand occassionally
when Tony hits the BIG trot - ya know the one that you *can't* post to -
other than that I post. I two-point it at the canter.
>>Do you change your riding style during a 100 miler?
never done one - hope to next year -
>>Do you tail?, and why?
I've tailed twice - once almost lost the horse - he got to the top saw some
other riders and took off at a trot with me skiiing behind. The other time
he was sufficiently tired so that didn't happen again. I think if I go
somewhere that I know I'll probably have to tail - I will *practice* it at
home first <vbg>
>>What does it take to make that leap, or is it just a bigggg step?
I'm real interested in hearing all the responses on this too!
Tina Hicks, hickst@nichols.com
Andy (dal) (those were geese *decoys*???)
Tony (Arab) (I'm reliable - I *always* spook and run when I see a plastic bag)
8 fatcats (feed us, pet us, be our slaves and we will let you live with us)
one husband
Huntsville, AL