Tailing--only if the hill is really, really, really steep or really steep
and really, really long. (The key here is 3 really's, and keep in mind I
ride in Colorado and Wyoming). If it's not a hill that's going to plumb
tucker your horse out, you'll have a hard time getting back on at the top.
If you're a featherweight rider you shouldn't bother getting off on the
uphill. I get off much more often on the downhill than on the uphill.
Standing--I think is a no-no. I define standing as putting all your weight
in the stirups. However, a balanced two-point, with your center over and
not forward of the horse's center and your weight distributed from thigh
through calf is good on the uphill. Not on the flat.
Posting--Most definately--if you do it right. Keep your calf on, stay
centered and balanced and don't use the stirups as weight bearing objects.
Linda Van Ceylon
phone: 970-226-1099