Hi Roger!
I have to post the trot since if I don't, I just get thrown up out of the
saddle again anyways... The woes of riding a TB ex-race horse. But I
can sit really really still when he runs! ;-)
I noticed last saturday that Gabrielle and Dixie the 1/2 Arab Appy
were flying along at the trot right beside me and she
wasn't moving. Just sitting perfectly still enjoying the scenery.
Must be nice. --- sigh ----
> Do you tail?, and why?
Yes, back when I was riding other peoples horses who knew how to tail.
I tailed uphill back then, but I was also 18, 19 and 20 years old. What
happened to all that energy, and why are my knees making that creeking
sound? FHP/Take Care says I'm not old yet... but only my hair dresser
knows for sure (God, please don't let him get aids, I need him!) ;-)
> What does it take to make that leap, or is it just a bigggg step?
I haven't made this step either, so I'd love to hear these answers too.
I was figuring on trying a 2 day 100 first... 50 and 50. What about
a 75?
:) - kat
and Magnum the TB in Palo Alto, CA