This is a NATRC region 4 competitive trail ride. It is about 50 miles north
of Dallas. I am the trail master for this ride.
The terrain is rolling very small mounds (we call them hills in texas).
sandy, fast, easy to make time. there are woods , grassy meadows, just a
neat place to ride. The terrain is constantly changing, but easy by most
standards. Early heat with the horses still with long coats, and the pace
set by the bad trail master are only mild considerations.
You will really enjoy this ride. I give you my personal guarantee (not
really worth much these days). If you have never ridden a competitive trail
ride I will give you my personal secrets for having fun with competitive
trail. Heck you can even park at my sery small ranch if you come early, or
leave late. I will be checking coggins though.
Please consider this ride all kidding aside I will really help get you
started if you would like to try a NATRC ride. AERC and NATRC are both
great events with very simmilar requirments for horses, mules, tack, and
horsemanship skills. And This ride is in the middle of the country so its
eacy to get to, and if you haven't been able to work on conditioning this
is a good ride, although it can be tough if that get a trail master with a
mean streak.
We hace also posted the 1996 NATRC ride schedule at our web site under events.
"Endeavor to Persevere" , Roger Garlitz
Cowboy Country
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