I just go to K-mart about every 5 months or so and get myself
some of their $12 sneakers with or without laces- (velcro) and then when
they fall apart I go get new ones. I have pretty well resigned myself to
having wet feet during rainy rides (if anyone was at the rides at Teddy with
me a few years ago you would have seen me dancing around in the HIGH water
after my 50 mile ride!) and I just try to go take a shower or get warm
quickly as soon as the ride is over. THis strategy has worked pretty well so
far, but I haven't been to TOO many COLD rides except the Fort Valley a few
years back which was incredibly NASTY to be at. Since I don't tend to get
sick from stuff like that (I am ususally fairly NON sick, even when others
around me are) it has worked fairly well!
I also have new non smelly shoes pretty often that way.
Also with the trailers, all I have is a SHoop 1973 two horse, and it's nice
and roomy. Everything else goes in the back of the truck, including us, and
believe it or not, it's fairly comfortable!
Lori, as far as dentists go, THere is no program at VA Tech as such, but we are
trained to use the floating equipment gently here. I have never had a
problem with one of the Tech graduate veterinarians- do you not have any up
there? Is this a Specialty I should maybe offer when I get out???
I too only have time to do a couple of 6 milers a week and a 22-25 miler on
the weekend if I am lucky, but so far so good! Right now, I am NOT getting
any riding in, Dawn and I have been planning on riding for 2 weeks now and
the weather sucks every time we try!
Is there anyone in AZ who needs a vet in a couple of years?
Gwen ( who is ONLY HALF kidding about moving to AZ!)