After the ride and your time is taken, you have an hour before you
have to present your horse for the final vet check. What happens if
you show up within the hour but have to wait in line 20 minutes?
As long as you arrive at the appointed location (with your horse)
within the hour, you have complied with the rule. If the vets are
backed up and you have to wait, you cannot be penalized for that.
Unfortunately, you could concievably arrive with a fit horse and,
after standing around for 20 minutes waiting in line, have a
stiffened-up-lame horse. Ride management should first of all try to
prevent this kind of a bottleneck, and secondly provide enough room
so that those waiting can walk the horse a bit every few minutes.
Of course, a smart rider will take the horse for his check as soon
as he is ready, and not wait the full hour (if the horse takes an
hour to recover, he was ridden too hard).