I take him out for a walk several times even if there is a paddock
available to leave him outside all the time. After a couple of hours I take of
the bandages and give him a four-leg massage (top to bottom) with or
without additional linement.
With one of my other horses I have to avoid water and other liquids. His
legs get sore by using water and/or not drying them For him I have
special "ice-wraps"/"cold packs" which are closed with velcro around
his legs and contain two ice-bags each. This works great for him.
As with many things in endurance, you'll find things that work for you
and things (you think/experience) that don't. I think it is good to exchange
information on methods and products and mention their pro's and
contra's. The individual rider decides.
(Still ... it takes Love over Gold & to finish is to win!)