My favorite reins, for many years, have been the RJ08
Flat Woven Trail Reins from Long Riders Gear. They don't stretch, shrink, or get
hard with sweat. They are fairly soft, yet strong, and are easily washable in a
clothes washer. They come in black, brown, and 8 different stripe colors and
cost $19.95. I love these! They are one piece and long enough to
use as a lead or to let your horse drink out of a stream.
I probably know the answer to this, but thought I'd try, ha
ha. Is there any rein material that is safer for your hands, without
having to wear gloves? I used to have yacht reins, fell off, ripped one
of my hands to near shreds =P Retired those and bought some biothane
reins with beta grips on them. I came off today, and one of my hands got
torn up pretty bad yet again. It's probably impossible, but it sure
would be nice. I really don't like gloves =P Plus, they never fit
me right. I am struggling enough trying to find some for winter wetness
protection... Thanks! -Michelle