They know - they have always known. Because there is a market for such abusive substances, they continue to sell it, which I just do NOT fathom for the life of me since there is absolutely NO known use for it other than sticking it up their a$$es.... one judge use to test them for ginger - by sticking a finger you-know-where and then.... tasting it. TOo bad we have no more gusty judges like he. It would be a different world.
On Feb 13, 2009, at 6:56 AM, D'Arcy Demianoff-Thompson wrote:
Maybe someone should send the 'rule' outlawing the use of ginger to Schinders. I for one am going to write them a note DEMANDING they remove that from their label. And we wonder why PETA does what they do!??? Thank you, Rusty, for posting this. It is appauling this use is even spoke of today. All in an effort to get a horse to have what would appear to be 'natural' tail carriage! I have a clue! Breed your horses to stallions that have a NATURAL tail carriage for crying out loud.
Rusty, there is no rhyme or reason in the show industry.
OK, so I went to the opening day of the Scottsdale Arabian show today. It was late in the day and most of the activity was over but the shopping, I proceeded to the Schinders tent to do some exploring. Standing in the row of rub, lotions and lineament I saw a small jar and the cover said "Ginger rub". Knowing ginger is an amazing natural product I was curious to the use for it on horses, I picked it up and read – Use for tail carriage – apply to rectum ten minutes before show time! OMG!
I will never understand this world of horse showing and the poor unsuspecting horse with ginger on his a*^! I can't even get a crupper under my guys tail, lol!
More stories to come for the world of over privileged riders and under privileged horsesJ