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Re: [RC] Horse water thawed w/out electric - Chrystal Woodhouse -
Diane Trefethen
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re:[RC] Horse water thawed w/out electric - Chrystal Woodhouse -
jamie ward
[RC] frozen pipes - Bobbie Brown
My pipes didn't freeze under ground...but some of you gave me a heads up on this matter....I'm going to put down stall mats over my lines...I'm sure before winter is over we'll have another cold snap....I wonder if this will help?
Bobbie, No. Nevada
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re:[RC] Horse water thawed w/out electric - Chrystal Woodhouse -
jamie ward
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Re: [RC] Horse water thawed w/out electric - Chrystal Woodhouse -
Diane Trefethen
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[RC] PNER region convention nearing
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[RC] Multiday ride changes, PS, MT & W Regions for 2010