re:[RC] Horse water thawed w/out electric - Chrystal Woodhouse - jamie ward
I'm getting a crash course in COLD weather ( well -12) I'm used to cold being anything 20 to 30 degrees then We bought a place in the high desert and last week we had a run of negative weather of course I didn't have troth heaters. The entire water troth was frozen solid!! then our pipes froze so I had to find an empty troth and go to a neighbor's to fill it just to water the critters. Needless to say our hose is curled up in our utility room now as well :-) although I plan to pick up some heaters I am very interested in some other means to help keep the ice away as well
My horse's feet are as swift as rolling thunder He carries me away from all my fears And when the world threatens to fall asunder His mane is there to wipe away my tears. ~Bonnie Lewis