RE: [RC] ... disappoints me when I run into discourteous riders - Cheryl Charlamagne
There is park here close to me.. they have horse trails.. and they also have designated hiking trails that are flat and well patted down for walking, etc.. what do we constantly see???!! what?? bikers, yuppies running those strange little running baby carriers, joggers, walkers, high school track teams, loose dogs carry bones.. no, that really happened.. what do you think my horse did?? DOG CARRYING A BONE!!!! Lucky it wasn't hers!! LOL!!
I don't understand when "you, as a walker, or whatever" have a designated trail right next to the horse trail.. why do you choose to do whatever on the horse trail.. then OF COURSE WHEN YOU SEE A FREAKING RIDER ON A HORSE.. choose to complain about shoes, with nails that you freaking stubbed your toe on.. yadda yadda..
DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE RUNNING THROUGH HORSE PADDIES???? Why are you on my trail?? and why are you complaining to me?? YOU FREAK??
I usually have a nice retort.. as do most of my friends..
but you can't stop people from having road rage, you can't stop them from being stupid.. you can explain it to them, but you can't understand it for them..
I feel you..
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 16:38:25 -0800 Subject: Re: [RC] ... disappoints me when I run into discourteous riders From: cest.mon.virage@xxxxxxxxx To: sherman@xxxxxxxxxxx CC: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
And you have every right to be annoyed if not downright angered! Too many avoidable accidents happening due to reckless irresponsibility. Sorry Kathy hope your rides get better! :)
Sorry if I sound annoyed...I am. My horses are all well trained, but not completely unreactive to every situation, no horse is. I don't feel users of public trails have a right to ignore the law and create more danger and risk for other users.