Since you all can't get off the helmet thread,
here is something from the Fugly blog. the tag
(whatever that means) is Parelli. I agree it's every adults choice, but these
people are probably better off without them. A smack on the head might bring
them back to reality. JK all you Parelli-ites. :)
I personally know several people who practiced this
"training" to make their horses fun, (you know with games and all) and while
they never did hit their heads, they did end up with one in a neck brace, one
with a back brace, one with a shattered hip and one with a severely dislocated
shoulder. NONE of them ever got to actually RIDE their horse, the damage was all
done from the ground.
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt.
Then it's just Parelli games.
:-Ooohh Noooo, did I say that? :)
Lisa Salas, The odd fARm
We LOVE to play "guess who's limping today?" and
"where's that blood coming from?".