RE: [RC] need advice about spooking/bolting - SHEILA A WALSH
The best advice I ever received for my "spooky" Arab was to take him to the nearest hill and work him up and down it until he was drenched, every time he "spooked" at birds flying out of trees, as we passed.
I wondered about that, but realized at the second time he spooked, he did the math and from then on he really tried to contain himself, when birds would whoosh out of the tree he was passing. ( he really didn't want to work that hill ever again....)
Arabs are much smarter than people....
You can work 'em hard, just don't hit 'em. They will figure it out, pronto.
From: alexis_mills@xxxxxxxxxxxx To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [RC] need advice about spooking/bolting Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 13:02:58 -0700
I'd like advice from people who have experience with horses who spook and bolt. I had a near-death experience last week when Samurai spooked at some cyclists as we were trying to cross a road. He ended up veering into traffic and nearly colliding with an SUV. However, if I hadn't asked him to cross a busy road w/ approaching bikes, this never would have happened... Definitely operator error.