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[RC] Riding in Idaho - Belinda RomanuskiI have just spent a week of riding in the Targhee National Forest. I envy those of you who live close by. I only get out there once a year. It was absolutely beautiul.We rode 5-6 hours daily. Belinda Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry From: mateef@xxxxxxx Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 12:05:48 -0400 To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [RC] Hickory Creek and a training question Hickory Creek was a great ride. Very well organized, beautiful and well marked trail and lots of friendly, happy people. All ingredients neccessary for a perfect weekend. Even the rain on Saturday couldn't dampen my spirits. I rode out on Friday with Steven Hay riding my gelding and myself on my mare and we had a wonderful time together. Came in top ten with healthy, sound horses. Had all our shoes. What could be better? I left my mare in camp Saturday to put another 30 miles on Kirby (the gelding Steven rode). She was a little unhappy being left behind but soon settled as the camp got quiet. Another top ten and still had all the same shoes we started with. Check. Everything is going according to plan. Which was....put 60 miles on Kirby so he would be happy to stay in camp on Sunday and I could ride mare Sara on Sunday for her second 30. I had the ability to put him in a stall for the morning and thought he would be safer/happier with that. WRONG! He jumped the 4 ft. stall door and beat me back to the trailer. A little banged up, but no serious damage. They've always had separation issues but I have been working on that and really thought I could manage taking them both. I know better now and will not be doing so again. Too much stress. But I was wondering if anyone had similar issues and was ever able to convince buddy bound horses they wouldn't die if their partner left for a couple of hours. I don't have this issue at home at all. I routinely take one or the other for training rides and only get a parting nicker as I'm pulling out with the trailer. Just curious. Glad my little herd is safe and sound at home. Sallie Sullivan AERC# 15099