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[RC] Puzzlers - Carrie Kitley

Ok, here's one for ya all.  You men out there may just wanna go right on past this one.
. . . . My mare is a SHAMELESS HUSSY!!  LOL
Ok, so it seems she is in heat for 3 weeks at a time with only one week off for posterity and then it starts all over.  She's not moody or an *itch when she's in heat, but just lately she's embarrassing as all get out! 
The scenario:  We're heading out of the stable area towards the trails that lead off the property and while doing so, we must ride by this hunka-hunka burnin' love of an Arab gelding.  Did you catch that?  GELDING.  She could care less.  As far as she's concerned, he's the "bees knees," so she starts walking REALLY slow as we near his corral, butt in the air, tail to the side, (eh hem, squirting) legs spread to beat hell.  There I am, kicking, kicking, cropping, trying to get her to walk past and get back to the business of the ride.  It ain't happenin folks!  By this time, I'm cracking up so bad, I give up and end up sitting there until she gets a grip on herself and I can finally get her attention for 2 seconds to get her moving again.  My husband is behind us on his horse (whom she NEVER displays these flirtations to . . . uh, the horse, not hubby)
Ok, so hilarity aside, why do mares sometimes do this, even to other mares?  Does she need to have a baby or what?  Actually, I've NEVER seen her this blatant in her 'displays of affection' before, nor have I ever seen her focus it so pointedly at a specific horse as that one gelding.  I mean, if I were a mare, I'd go for him, he's stinkin cute, but so what's the deal? lol I feel kinda sorry for her actually.  I think she needs to get laid . . uh oops, I meant bred, sorry.  Any thoughts on this one, gang?  (my sincerest apologies for the graphic nature of this post).  =)    

~Carrie  <\_~
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"The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears." 
~ Old Arabian Proverb

~Carrie  <\_~
              // \\
"The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears." 
~ Old Arabian Proverb