[RC] Need info on Fresno/Clovis area - Jennifer Fleet
Hi all,
After having to leave southern CA two years ago to move to Florida, we
are now moving back to CA! Except this time, we will be in central CA
- Fresno or Clovis. My husband has accepted the position of publisher
of the Fresno Bee newspaper.
I know nothing about the area -- is there anybody on here that lives in
this area that might want to give me some pointers on where to look to
live, what the riding is like, give me referrals for vets (both equine
and small animal), farriers, hay suppliers, and a bunch of other stuff
I'll need to know? Is there anywhere to ride without having to trailer
an hour or more? Any trails around for shorter rides, say in the
Clovis area?
I'll also need to find a place to temporarily board my two horses while
we look for a house, wait for escrow to close, and possibly put up
fencing, a barn, etc. if needed.
Are there any endurance or CTR riders in the area that might want a
training partner?
I will be living there within 2-3 months.
I can't wait to be back in California! I long for dry, bug-free air!
And mountains!