Re: [RC] [RC] Fw: Hello from The Long Riders - Maryanne GabbaniAt least one of the "trip across Africa" people contacted me a while back via Long Riders to talk about the Egypt portion. The list of physical problems in terms of urbanisation, roads, landmines, and similar physical obstructions that I could see in his way between Libya and Suez just from Google Earth and my knowledge of Egypt, ran into a couple of pages. A trip like this would make the GAHR look like a walk in the park. AND it doesn't even deal with the fact that as Douglas Adams noted in The Last Chance To See, his book about traveling with a naturalist for the BBC in various places looking at endangered species (Great book...highly recommend it) the ex-colonial countries (ie, most of Africa) are littered with officials whose entire job is to say "no" to everything simply because they can.Maryanne On Jan 21, 2008 2:18 AM, Tom Sites <goearth@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
-- Maryanne Stroud Gabbani msgabbani@xxxxxxxxx Egypt Face to Face Weblogs: Living In Egypt Cairo/Giza Daily Photo Turn Right At The Sarcophagus Photos of Egypt: