I am going to have the bruises tomorrow to prove
it. I called the horses in and knowing Billy Bad Goat was out, I took a dressage
whip, normally just carring it is enough to convince him I don't want to play
today. Welllll........ the very sweet nanny is in season but tired of being
chased so she insisted upon using me to hide behind. Long story short, a
dressage whip only makes a billy goat in mid., randy, nanny chasing really,
really mad. Thank the Lord he has no horns. Picture the nanny circling,
trying to keep me between her and the billy, keeping as close to me as she
can and pretty much knocking my lets out from under me at every step, and
the snorting, ticked off billy deciding I am in his way, as we circle our way
across the barn yard to the gate the billy can't get through. I am sure if
someone had a video, I would win lots of money, maybe enough to pay the dr bills
for my kneecap.