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Re: [RC] [RC] Trilby -
Maryben Stover
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Re: [RC] [RC] Which digital camera -
carrie c firman
[RC] Ride Between the Rivers in WV - Lynn Brunetto
I have to?concur?with Dodie!
This was one AWESOME ride!!!!!!!
This is what endurance is all about..... for the people who were whining about the?
trail being hard, muddy, wet, slick, etc ........ suck it up and RIDE!! ?It's not supposed to
be a walk in the park!
Super super great bunch of people who put on this ride....
This was mine and my horses Ivan (MORGAN) 2nd fifty miler....(we finished Hickory Creek under adverse conditions also!)
, of which I am VERY pleased! ?We came in 28th.....
We took our time and met our goal --- TO FINISH sound and HAPPY...
Ivan was doing his incredible Road trot coming in to the finish.....
We started our last loop doing the morgan show trot.... I didn't think that my back
was going to be able to take it! ?He finally settled down, thank God!
For those of you who did not make it to this incredible ride....to bad! ?You missed a good one!
Heck...GREAT one!
Lynn Brunetto
Waynesburg, PA
From: "Dodie Sable" <
Subject: [RC] ? August 2 Ride Between The Rivers (ride story)
Oh my gosh, I had the best time at the ride.? Once again, this is the =
shindig I've ever attended.? Everyone has so much fun and the volunteers =
a blast, entertaining and happy all day long.? The after the ride free =
and party was absolutely the bomb.? I'd go next year just for the party,
forget the ride!
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Re: [RC] [RC] Which digital camera -
carrie c firman
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Re: [RC] [RC] Trilby -
Maryben Stover
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