Okay then, how about the lost shoe
scenario being RO-surface factors? Since the shoe is gone, the horse isn’t
lame, could go on if they won’t, but don’t want to risk it.
What do you think? I like TJAMD and WWIT,
and would like to add SMHIIC (something might happen if I continue)(:>)
understanding is that the vet committee is just trying to gather more
information about the distribution of relatively minor problems encountered
during a ride. So by the strict definition of the use of an RO-X code,
then yes, this would still be an RO-L. A straight RO **ONLY** applies to
a rider problem, like injury, illness or even just fatigue.
if the rider started out onto a loop with a sound horse, then came back and
told me they were just too damn tired and cranky to handwalk this doggone
sumbeech over every step and pebble in the next ten miles and they just want a
shower and some hard liquor, not necessarily in that order---well, as long as
the horse is still trotting out sound, then I probably wouldn’t argue
with an RO.
think too many people are attaching a negative stigma to an RO-X and that
shouldn’t be the case. If anything, it should be a pat on the back
that they were probably making a good decision on their horse’s behalf.
they should add a category for RO-TJAMD (This Just Aint My Day) or RO-WWIT
(What Was I Thinkin’) and that will make a few people happier.