Any horses we have had with scratches usually acquired
them from riding in alkali on the desert. I have had good luck curing
it with Cut Heal. A fairly good way of preventing scratches from
developing from riding on the desert was clipping the fetlock hair very close
and slathering lots of Desitin on the pasterns BEFORE anything happened.
The Desitin kept the alkali from getting on the skin and kept the skin soft and
heard it called greasy heel too. Its like rainrot on the fetlocks and
Lori Bertolucci
<loribertolucci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
fever...don't know any other name for
kramspott@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
What are scratches in this context?
My RO's were for a lameness I felt coming on, and
scratches that were getting worse by the minute...
The vet with the lameness issue, couldn't see it, but I
could feel it. By the time we got back to camp, via trailer,
he was dead lame...and I was very glad I
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