Yep, I tried everything from antibiotics to salves, and in the end, sauerkraut was the winning application. Go figure... lol
Chris A <bayrabhorses@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
whatever it's called, its a bugger to get rid of!
Lori Bertolucci <loribertolucci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had heard that term before, just forgot about it. :)
Chris A <bayrabhorses@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've heard it called greasy heel too. Its like rainrot on the fetlocks and pasterns
Lori Bertolucci
<loribertolucci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
mud fever...don't know any other name for it...
kramspott@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
What are scratches in this context?
My RO's were for a lameness I felt coming on, and scratches that were getting worse by the minute...
The vet with the lameness issue, couldn't see it, but I could feel it. By the time we got back to camp, via trailer, he was dead lame...and I was very glad I
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. - Albert Einstein, physicist
Chris Anton
Skype: Chris A
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There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. - Albert Einstein, physicist