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Re: [RC] Fireworks as a begginer ride - Lynelle Robertson

Great advice Kathy, I also on my first ride not only left the start towards the back but pulled my mare in behind to kind experienced riders for about the first 10 miles or so. The mare calmed down and got into a rhythm. The start was indeed my greatest fear but turned out to be unwarranted. I could never have finished in such good shape with out a mentor but you must be open to change. They have been there done that.

--- On Thu, 6/26/08, sherman <sherman@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: sherman <sherman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [RC] Fireworks as a begginer ride
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 8:51 AM

There are many mentors available, but they generally wait until they are
asked for help, otherwise their advice could appear as sticking their nose
in where it's not wanted (:>) Unfortunately, many times inexperienced
don't know what they don't know, don't know where to look for info
don't know they need, etc.

When I first started doing endurance ride, just 4 years ago, I'd take my
horse up to the start and wait along with all the others. Many horses were
misbehaving, some bucking, spinning, backing into us, kicking, so on and so
forth. Now that I have a little more knowledge and know that a few minutes
doesn't mean there's not enough time to complete the ride, my daughter
and I
get on our horses 30 minutes before the start and we walk and walk and walk,
then when everyone leaves the start we go over there and walk just a bit of
the start, when all the excitement is past, we can trot out. We avoid being
in the middle of the chaos, it's safer for the horses with less risk of
getting kicked and injured, and same for us as it keeps us away from the
anxious horses. Our horses are calm and cool by the time we start trotting,
have gotten a good warm-up so it lessens the risk of tying-up.

Try it next ride, you'll like it!


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[RC] Fireworks as a begginer ride, sherman