If you’re looking for 3grain and can take at least 88 bales, I’ve
found it at $8.50 per bale plus $170 delivery. It gets put in one tall stack
that I move into the barn, or hire some guys to do for me, but I then have the
same quality hay all year with no price increase. Alfalfa is $1.50 more. My
horses are really liking the 3grain since their pasture turned brown.
Halfway between Auburn & Grass Valley
Lucy wrote:
Funnily enough, I was just doing my monthly phone-
around to find out which feed stores have got what
by way of hay. This is for the Auburn, CA area:
I'm feeding 8 horses right now - all on dry lots, so this is
their only food supply - and golly do those porkers eat a
lot... It definitely narrowed my budget for going to Rides
this year <sniff>.