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Re: [RC] Longstreet's Charge Manager's view - Teresa WilliamsAngie, Thanks for managing Longstreet's Charge and for the LEADERSHIP you showed. When the yellow loop proved significantly longer than you thought (due to some prior CTR trail measurement and some ranger guestimating), you stepped up and made the adjustment in ride length, thus time to complete as well. You didn't fiddlefart around and leave the matter hanging. You made a decision! My riding partner and I barely finished the LD (literally with about 90 seconds to spare), but I will do this ride again. Close quarters and all, it's a keeper! Thanks for your hard work.... a great weekend. Teresa Williams ----- Original Message ---- From: "rides2far@xxxxxxxx" <rides2far@xxxxxxxx> To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 1:17:29 PM Subject: [RC] Longstreet's Charge Manager's view Absolutely cannot say enough good about the people who showed up to ride & work at Longstreet's Charge this weekend. As a first time "doing it by myself without a club's backing" ride manager I was stretched, stressed, and fairly inadequate...but volunteers showed up in droves, the vets were fantastic, riders were great, and the whole thing seemed to run quite smoothly. Didn't hurt that the weather cooperated either. I know I'll get a atmospheric disaster someday but it sure helped to have at least one year of good weather to get my feet under me. I ESPECIALLY APPRECIATE those who worked so hard to make the camp work. Most parked really tight and kept their corral space down without embarassing us by asking them to reduce them; and those people have a place in my heart! We were able to hold 92 horses even with today's rigs and had room for more so that's promising for next year. The trail was proclaimed "Tough as Sh*t" by someone who *lives* at Leatherwood, so I suppose he knows what he's talking about. Funny thing was, riders were all smiles and seemed to love it. Not everyone in the sport just wants to set a new time record! :-) The Mountain Laurel was in FULL bloom, the woods were so thick that I had just given up trimming after the stuff grew at what seemed like the rate of Kudzoo. We do well here to just keep an opening to slide through in what looks like Rain Forest vegetation sometimes. There were miles of trail where I walked, lopping off limbs, cutting back underbrush, etc. but when I rode it to mark I certainly couldn't tell much had been done, so I'm sure it looked overgrown to the riders. Exciting moments for management: When we arrived on top at the vet check Saturday morning there was what looked like a LARGE American Bulldog (boxer/pitbull cross) young dog, no collar, just having a ball running laps playing with another dog in the vet check area. There is backpacker camping across the hill from the horse camp and he was apparently from there. He was completely non-aggressive, just had a big smile on his face, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth and RAN in circles constantly sort of dive-bombing the other dog. He didn't come up to anyone to be petted, never stood still at all, looked like a big playful puppy. So...first 50 miler comes to vet check, then when she starts to trot out her horse here comes this dog, wide open and he dives for the horse's rear legs! People started yelling at him and kicking and he just ran in faster circles and would dive in at the horse again! I could so see what the attack was like on the Tevis trail. This dog *absolutely* intended to get ahold of this horse, and it would have been BAD, and he was playing. There was chaos in the check, the girl with the horse (Debi Ivey) was just trying to defend her horse but even with three people surrounding it and others trying to catch the dog all around the perimeter of his circle he was still getting at it. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I grabbed at the dog and it swerved towards Ike Nelson (vet) who made a diving tackle, getting him by the scruff of his neck and the skin along his back. The dog made no attempt to bite him, just looked like a kid that had been repremanded. Our farrier, Guy Buck who has been a Memphis policeman and just got back from a tour in Afghanistan (not afraid to confront strangers) put a lead rope around its neck, kept looking till he found the two passed out stoners in the woods with an empty collar tied to a tree, had to kick them to wake them up and informed them if the dog came back he would shoot it. End of excitement. :-P Next excitement, daughter Josie arrives at in-timer (she's competing) and informs me all markers are gone from section behind camp along drivable road. Nobody else really noticed since arrows at each end were intact and they didn't know it had been heavily marked before. I jumped in the truck and went out to re-mark it quickly. Then I decided to drive out to the most distant road crossing to make sure those hadn't been tampered with. It hadn't. Did see a pile of my flagging out on the main road where the tamperers had tossed it. :-( After I'd checked the distant crossing I was driving back up the road and met Bill headed my way in the other truck. We stopped to talk with our windows down and suddenly he said "Horse!" I looked up just in time to see a chestnut running straight at us. I jumped out and waved my arms but he never slowed down, just passed us and kept going. Bill was facing the way he'd gone and took off after him. He was headed completely away from all other activity, towards the wild blue yonder. I got turned around and started to follow, then decided I'd better search for the rider instead. Turned out she had stopped at our first water stop where there were 8 or more muck buckets scattered out over a clearing. Her horse had swerved around and put his foot in a smaller bucket behind him, scared himself, threw her and RAN. Not just a little, he'd ran *hard* for a good five miles when he passed us. According to Bill he just kept going. Bill followed it in the truck from a distance hoping it would slow down but after it showed no sign and they got to wider, better road and he was able to pass it and block the road. That's when he caught it. :-P Rider walked all the way in (we of course were sending trucks back to where she'd come off to get her) got back on horse and did a little more mileage but felt sick, probably a concussion and pulled. Her riding pardner who'd chased the horse, did many extra miles, insisting on retracing *every* step of official trail (we finally understood when we learned she's an engineer), finished the trail eventually and earned everyone's respect. Those were my high points of pulse and respiration for the weekend. Thank goodness the riders all did a good job of keeping my excitement level to a minimum. No helicoptor rescues, etc. Nothing but positive comments and encouragement. I'm sure many had ideas for improvements but understood to wait a few weeks before offering them. :-) First time I've run a ride since we have cell phones. What a difference! Biggest mistake, not exchanging numbers with all staff members night before ride. For future reference..Verizon works at Pigeon. Don't believe any others did. I didn't spend much time at the ride meeting naming names on the helpers, too afraid I'd forget someone there or here, but I am forever indebted. I was absolutely amazed at the difference that has come about in the last 10 years since I have managed a ride. Things have gotten so organized, and professional, that it took a huge load off the ride manager and was so much better for the riders. I am totally indebted to all who stepped in and helped. Also, thanks for your patience RIDERS...who rode a tough, rugged, long trail and were still nice to me, good to their horses, and smiling at the end of the day! Special thanks to riders who were pulled, had to wait a long time for the rescue trailer, then gave up their place in line to let more critical cases go on ahead of them. Not one complained or even sighed. Very high completion rates are tributes to high quality entries. I don't believe we had any fluids administed...only one mild colic a little banamine took care of, a trip/cut, a couple of hitches in the get along. Not bad for that size ride. Angie McGhee Longstreet's Charge =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. 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